Put to Key-Value Storage
Node Description
Put to Key-Value Storage - an action-type node is required to store a key-value pair in the storage. The stored pair can be retrieved using the Get from Key-Value Storage node.
Node Configuration
To configure the Put to Key-Value Storage node, you must fill in the required and optional fields.
The required* fields include:
- Key;
- Value.
Input field for the identifier. The identifier can be obtained by following the link and copying the generated value.
Input field for the key, which is the variable name.
Input field for the variable value. The value should be less than 25 MB. The data will be deleted after 30 days.
Time to live
The variable's lifespan is specified in minutes. The default value for this field is 60 minutes, and the maximum value is 30 days (43200 minutes).
Example of launching a node
To record a key-value pair, it is necessary to execute the Put to Key-Value Storage node with the parameters:
- UUID - a unique identifier;
- Key - Value;
- Value - 100;
- Time to live - 5.
The result of node execution is the recording of the variable and a status indicating a successful write: