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04.6.05 AI Image Classification

Image classification using AI is a powerful computer vision tool with a wide range of applications in many fields. Here are some of the uses:

  1. Object Recognition - image classification allows you to automatically determine which objects are present in an image (e.g., car, human face, plant, etc.).
  1. Autonomous Vehicles - image classification is needed to recognize road signs, pedestrians, other vehicles and objects to ensure the safety of self-driving cars.
  1. Image segmentation - classification can be used to highlight image regions belonging to specific objects or categories.
  1. Image search and organization - classification helps to automatically tag and organize large image databases into categories.
  1. Satellite/aerial image processing - image analysis is used for mapping, environmental monitoring, etc.
  1. Inspection - classification models are used for automated inspection of product quality in manufacturing or other areas.

The AI: Image Classification node group includes the nodes: