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Node Description

Create Message - an action type node required to send a GPT chatbot message using a given thread.

Node Configuration

To configure the Create Message node, you must fill in the required and optional fields.

Required* fields include:

  • Message content;
  • API Key;
  • Thread ID.


The field required for entering the API key (see more details here).

Thread ID

The field required to specify the ID of the thread to which the message should be sent.

Message content

The text field required to enter the message.

File IDs list

A list of File IDs that the message should use. There can be a maximum of 10 files attached to a message.


The field required to enter additional information about the assistant in the key-value format. The key can contain 64 characters, and the value can contain 512 characters.

Entity role

The role of the entity that is creating the message. Currently only user is supported.

Example of launching a node

It is necessary to run the Create Message node once with the parameters:

  • API Key - Your API key;
  • Thread ID - id of the previously created thread;
  • Message content - How do I add a node to the scenario?;
  • Entity role - User.

The result of the node execution is the creation of a message with the specified text. The output of the Create Message node is the message parameters.