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Node Description

List Files is an action type node for getting a list of ChatGPT files filtered by purpose.

Node Configuration

To configure the List Files node, you must fill in the required and optional fields.

The required* fields include:

  • API Key.


The field required for entering the API key (see more details here).


Drop-down list for selecting the purpose for which files are needed. Two values are available for selection: assistants, fine-tune. If no value is selected, the result will contain all files.

Example of launching a node

It is necessary to run the node List Files once with the parameters:

  • API Key - Your API key;
  • Purpose - assistants.

The result of the List Files node execution is a list of files, including attributes for each file:

  • bytes;
  • created_at,
  • filename,
  • id,
  • object: file,
  • purpose: assistants or fine-tune;
  • status;
  • status_details.